Stained Glass Windows at the Croasdaile Retirement Village in Durham, NC
In 2005, Laws Stained Glass Studios installed (20) opalescent glass windows in the chapel at the Croasdaile Retirement Village in Durham, NC. The main sanctuary windows (size 52" wide x 72" high) did not contain hand-stained glass artwork, but were double windows. Near the pulpit, four windows (size 20" wide x 72" high), two windows (size 20" wide x 30" high with a round top), and two windows (size 20" wide x 54" high with a round top) are located. Behind the pulpit, a 5 foot round window with a symbol of the trinity is situated up high. Over the doors, there is a transom (size 72" wide x 12" high).
In addition to the windows, Laws Stained Glass Studios provided new white aluminum frames and 1/4" Lucite acrylic as the protective covering.
In 2017, Laws returned to install (4) more opalescent glass windows (size 34" wide x 64" high). These were installed into existing frames.
Opalescent glass windows set into a white aluminum frame
Opalescent glass windows. Note the transom above the doors.
Opalescent glass windows with no artwork
Opalescent glass transom
View of the pulpit area
Round window with trinity symbol
Windows in the pulpit area
Another view of the windows in the pulpit area
Opalescent glass windows installed in 2017
Contact Information
Croasdaile Retirement Village
2600 Croasdaile Farm Pkwy
Durham, NC 27705
(919) 384-2000
2600 Croasdaile Farm Pkwy Durham, NC 27705