Stained Glass Windows at Ocran United Methodist Church in Sutherland, VA
"The Good Shepherd" window behind the pulpit. It is lit by a light box.
Close-up of the Good Shepherd window

Hand-stained glass window with the scene of "The Nativity"
Close-up of the "Nativity" scene
View of the windows from the balcony
Close-up of the "Sermon on the Mount" window
Close-up of the "Baptism" scene

Hand-stained glass window with "Sermon on the Mount" scene

Hand-stained pictorial glass window of "The Crucifixion"

Hand-stained pictorial glass window of "The Resurrection"

Hand-stained pictorial glass window of "The Ascension"

Hand-stained pictorial glass window of "The Garden of Gethsemane"
Hand-stained pictorial glass window of "The Last Supper". Note that this window was backlit by the church.

Close-up of the "Garden of Gethsemane" window
Contact Information
Ocran United Methodist Church
20221 Cox Rd.
Sutherland, VA 23885
(804) 733-2995