Stained Glass Windows at Mt. Zion Baptist Church in Hemingway, SC
Church sign in the front

Close-up of an existing window from the outside

Close-up of an existing window on the inside

Existing windows before the installation
New Opalescent Glass Windows
Opalescent glass windows with 12" Round Biblical scenes and a memorial plate at the bottom
Opalescent glass windows with 12" round Biblical scenes and a memorial plate at the bottom
Opalescent glass window with a 12" round Biblical scene and a memorial plate at the bottom
Opalescent glass window with 18" x 26" medallions with Biblical scene and a memorial plate at the bottom
Opalescent glass window with a 12" round Biblical scene and a memorial plate at the bottom
Close-up of the "Resurrection" scene
View of the windows from the front
New opalescent glass windows with 1/4" Lucite acrylic on the outside as the protective covering.
New opalescent glass windows with 1/4" Lucite acrylic on the outside as the protective covering.
Contact Information
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
5542 Carvers Bay Rd
Hemingway, SC 29554
(843) 558-5626