Stained glass window for church

Stained Glass 
Studios, Inc.

  Church Stained Glass Windows, Repairs, Protective covering, 

Stained Glass Window Repair at Fairhope United Methodist Church in Fairhope, AL

     In 2016, Fairhope United Methodist Church had a large 7 foot round window that was bulging and sagging.  This hand-stained glass window was made into too large of a section without enough support.  Normally, a window this size would be divided into two to four sections with metal framing like a t-bar to give it support.  This window had sagged so much that daylight could be seen around the top.  The church had placed a vertical and horizontal wood board on the outside to keep it from falling out.

     Laws Stained Studios came and straightened the bulge and prevented it from sagging.  Laws' road crew straightened the window in place and added interlocking steel braces to the inside and outside of the window.  The interlocking braces formed a spider web like pattern with a 12" round brace and a 64" round brace and the other braces radiating out in straight lines.  These additional braces gave the leaded window enough support to remain straight.

Existing 7 ft. round hand-stained glass window before Laws repaired it.  Note how it was sagging so much that you can see daylight around the top.

View of the window from the outside before the repair.


Close-up view of the interlocking steel braces on the inside

Installed Opalescent Stained Glass Windows


Another view of Laws straightening the window

Close-up view of straightening the window

Another close-up of straightening the window


View of the new interlocking steel braces on the outside


Close-up of the interlocking steel braces on the outside

Close-up of the straightened window on the inside

The straighten window with new interlocking steel braces on the inside

Contact Information

Fairhope United Methodist Church

155 S Section St.

Fairhope, AL 36532

(251) 928-1148

155 S Section St, Fairhope, AL 36532