Stained glass window for church

Stained Glass 
Studios, Inc.

  Church Stained Glass Windows, Repairs, Protective covering, 

Stained Glass Windows at St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church in Charlotte, NC

     Over the past few years, Laws Stained Glass Studios has installed hand-stained pictorial glass windows at St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church in Charlotte, NC.  Beginning in 2008, Laws installed a hand-stained pictorial glass window (size 30" wide x 128" high) depicting "The Nativity".  Laws' designer Vincent Ketchie worked with the church to design a window in keeping with the Armenian orthodox faith.  In 2010, another window the same size was installed.  It depicted "The Crucifixion".  In 2016, Laws installed the latest window which represents "The Ascension".  
     All of the windows were installed into the existing aluminum frame.  The nativity window was backlit by the church, and the other two windows have the natural sunlight.

Outside view of the front of the church

Side view showing where the windows are to be installed


Close-up of the entrance with the church name

Close-up of the existing frame from the inside


Hand-stained pictorial glass window depicting "The Nativity".  This window does not receive natural light.  The window is set into the existing frame and artificially backlit by the church.

Close-up of the shepherds and the angels

Close-up of Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus


Hand-stained pictorial glass window of "The Crucifixion" set into the existing aluminum frame.

Close-up of Jesus hanging on the cross

Close-up of Mother Mary & John the disciple


Hand-stained pictorial glass window of "The Ascension"

Close-up of Mother Mary and the disciples

Close-up of the bottom of the window showing the installation into the existing aluminum frame showing the steel braces


View of the Ascension window from the outside.  This window had an existing aluminum frame with a tinted insulated glass unit as the protective covering.

Contact Information

St. Sarkis Armenian Apostolic Church

7000 Park Road
Charlotte, NC 28210


7000 Park Road Charlotte, NC 28210